We are regular people. Moms, dads, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, professional, blue collar. We are FREE Americans! We are questioning that which does not make sense. We welcome you to join us.
1/24/2022- Watch this 8 minute highlight video from Senator Ron Johnson's round table- COVID-19: A Second Opinion. Dr. Paul E. Alexander, PhD, has expertise in teaching of epidemiology (clinical epidemiology), evidence-based medicine, and research methodology. He is a former Assistant Professor at McMaster University in evidence-based medicine, a former COVID Pandemic evidence-synthesis advisor to WHO-PAHO, Washington, DC (2020), and former Senior Advisor to COVID Pandemic policy in the US government, Health and Human Services (HHS), Washington, DC. He worked/was appointed in 2008 at WHO as a Regional Specialist/Epidemiologist in Europe’s Regional Office in Denmark (nations involved in assigned WHO’s project were Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Poland).
"Why", "why not", "how", and "if/then". When we are children there comes a point when we start asking "why", "why not", and "how". "Why can't I go to the party with my friends?", "Why can't I stay home alone?", "Why can't I spend all my money on that stupid gadget?"
This is an important step in our journey toward independence. Yes, it can be an unpopular faze among parents, but important none-the-less. It is the time in life we start to think more for ourselves. Where we start to reason, even though our reason at this age is usually way off. So a typical conversation may be- "Mom can I go to the movies with my friends?" - "No" - "Why not?" And then the conversation can go either of 2 ways. An explanation can be given or an unquestionable ending- "Because you are not old enough to go with just your friends", "Because we have another engagement", "Because you did not do your chores", etc. Or- "Because I said so".
And so parenting goes. You help guide your child. Sometimes the lessons are hard, sometimes they are easy. At some point your child becomes an adult and the why/why not conversations largely disappear. As we go on into adulthood we start to use the reasoning process "if/ then", building off the "why/why not" we hopefully learned as children- "If I work then I will have money.", "If I do well in school then I will get a better job.", "If I do well at my job then I will get a raise." This process plays out millions of times, from the major decisions in our life to the mundane- "If I turn the door knob then the door will open.", "If the door is open then I can walk through.", "If I turn the faucet on then water will come out."
You get the point. So in the process of adulthood our decisions become our responsibility. When we ask the question "why" as an adult we are not expecting the answer "Because I said so" from our elected leaders or anyone else for that matter. They are not our parents and we are not children! And when we do hear an answer that doesn't make sense we should research and use "if/ then".
At some point during the first half of 2020 many lost these very important reasoning principles of being an adult. They failed to look at the whole picture and ask how it all fits. The fear of dying was all encompassing, and pushed every minute of every hour of every day by almost every news station and elected leader. Grace can be given because it was all so unknown, but a daily ticker on almost every TV station all day long. What is the true point of that? How does that help in the least?
Without going off the rails let's just take a few examples of the contradictory displays:
If those people are sick, then why are we putting them in nursing homes where everyone is vulnerable?
If the hospitals are truly over run, then why aren't they using the medical boat docked in the harbor? Or the Javits Center?
If every business has to close, then why are some allowed to remain open?
If everyone has to social distance, then why are there times that our elected leaders are not social distancing?
If no one should be traveling, then why are the bureaucrats and leaders still traveling?
If I have to wear a mask all the time, even in my car alone, then is the air safe to breath anywhere?
If you are telling us that masks have to be worn around other people all the time, then why don't you have them on all the time? Not just for the cameras.
If social distancing is so very important, then why are you not denouncing all of the protests happening? Shouldn't they be categorized as super spreader events?
Surely you can add plenty more. There is no denying that "sickness" covered the globe (but was it all covid, what if the tests were faulty). It is the decisions and solutions that followed which didn't really make sense. Everything became a political football, which never should have happened if the health and safety of the American people was first and foremost. Decisions were made that were inconsistent at best, but more so like a haphazard display of doing something, anything, as long as it aligned with a certain political view. And so many of those in leadership around the world disregarded the very mandates they were pushing on everyone. Most likely because they did not believe in the mandates themselves. Literally wearing a mask in front of the news camera and immediately taking it off when the cameras were off. It very much seemed like a show.
Next businesses were allowed to open, but with ridiculous rules. "Wear a mask while walking in the restaurant, take it off while sitting down" kinds of rules (masking in general has not been found to significantly reduce viral spread). Rules and regulations, some of which were common sense, others which were sheer lunacy. And so the fear was kept in the public eye. Front and center. A reminder that there is a pandemic, even if 99.83% of people under 70 years of age would survive if they were infected. Including the people that died "with" covid rather than "of".
Next step was the vaccine rollout. Voluntary at first. Then you could win money, get free donuts, eat for free at restaurants, drink for free at bars just for agreeing to take an experimental injection (and why does the FDA need 55 years to release data and information about the vaccine). What? Why would we have to bribe people? Why were some people not lining up? Did they hear something? Well indeed many did.
It has quickly digressed from there. And not just here in the US, but across the world. Mandatory vaccination for healthcare workers, students to attend college, teachers to teach, then for businesses of more than 100 employees. You could test once a week (in of itself absurd) if you declined to inject something that is with you for life. Still not enough. Force all military, have Big Bird push it on our children (least affected by this whole pandemic), get vaxxed or get fired. All of those brave doctors, nurses, and first responders who just one short year before were heroes were now the enemy of the state. Disease spreaders that needed to be fired. Really? All this happening while study after study show most healthy individuals have little to no risk of severe outcomes and that natural immunity far exceeds anything the experimental vaccine has to offer. And let's not forget the constant suppression of therapeutics that have been proven to save lives (Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Budesonide, just to name a few)!
Final stages are on the way. Vaccine passports. Not to punish the unvaccinated, of course not. It's about public health. Two years into this at the point of least death, at a time when the vaccinated are getting sick and transmitting just as much as the unvaccinated. Now seems like a good time to roll out a passport to prove you are compliant so you can live life. To travel. To watch a movie. To eat at a restaurant. All things that a week before were fine, but the line had to be drawn. And in other countries compulsory vaccination is on the horizon. No choice at all. And this is still making sense to some? How?
It is well past time for everyone to start asking the simple questions. Why is this happening? How is all of this making any sense? And if this is the future, then what will the world look like for our children?