This page will be updated and information will be added as time goes on. Be sure to check back.
It's not about Health and Safety. And each day it is becoming more obvious!
What started out as a worldwide attempt to contain a pandemic (which was always destined to fail) has now turned into a worldwide attack on freedoms, liberty, and treatment options. 2 weeks to "flatten the curve" has turned into a "vaccine passport" needed to enter restaurants, bars, movie theaters, gyms, and other indoor settings. At this time in late 2021 this is happening in major cities across the US like New York, Chicago, Boston, and Los Angeles; but to an even scarier extent in places like Australia, Netherlands, Ireland, France, Germany. In another dystopian movie like move some countries are pushing compulsory vaccinations on their citizens and forced isolation by way of quarantine facilities. All of this is happening at a time when vaccines are proving to not be working as advertised, where multiple boosters are being discussed, and where vaccinated are getting sick at a faster rate than the unvaccinated or naturally immune. And the push to vaccinate healthy children, who have never been affected by covid since the start, is increasing.
It's time for the governments, leaders, and bureaucrats to admit their approach was ill conceived. If the mistakes were born out of ignorance they should step down from their roles. If the decisions they made and the mandates they pushed were intentionally misleading and/or nefarious those responsible must be held accountable, and must be made to pay for their actions through all legal means available. We, the people of the world, must demand this so it never happens again!
Tyranny- Mandates, Passports, Compulsory Vaccination, False Narratives
It hasn't been about Health and Safety for a long time. If Ever!
​1. The Corona Investigative Committee has compiled testimony, documents, and other evidence concerning covid, the response, and the vaccines. They are pushing for a Nuremberg style trial to hold those responsible accountable.- Site- Ongoing
Visit the site for all interviews and documents associated with the investigation. "It is simply not acceptable to wait for the establishment of a parliamentary committee of inquiry, which, as experience has shown, has a longer lead time. Therefore, since mid-July 2020, the Corona Committee has heard experts and witnesses in weekly meetings on a wide range of issues concerning the virus, crisis management and consequences. In particular, the collateral damage of the lockdown, which has been little evaluated to date, has been examined in greater detail."
2. US Senator Ron Johnson- COVID-19: A Second Opinion- Video- No Media Coverage- 1/24/2022 ***A MUST WATCH***
(begins at 40 minute mark) A group of world renowned doctors and medical experts provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term. More at
3. Plandemic Documentary Series- Mikki Willis- Behind Covid, Big Pharma, Fauci and more- Site/Videos- Censored on all mainstream media sites
"The first installment of PLANDEMIC, a 26 minute documentary featuring celebrated virologist Judy Mikovits, has been seen by over one billion people worldwide, setting a historic record. The premiere of PLANDEMIC 2 (aka INDOCTORNATION) featuring white collar crime investigator, Dr. David Martin, also set a world record with 2 million viewers attending the global livestream. Though we had no intention of receiving awards for this series, we are honored to have won the European Independent Film Award for Best Documentary, as it displays an encouraging shift in public awareness and courage."
4. Max Igan, David Icke & Glenn Beck Expose The World's Most Dangerous Lies! A Video Journey You'll Never Forget!- Video- 11/29/2021
YOU DON’T KNOW THE HALF OF IT, UNTIL YOU WATCH THIS FANTASTICALLY RESEARCHED & PRESENTED VIDEO! “It’s Been Their Plan All Along – and you ABSOLUTELY will NOT want to believe what it is – so you have GOT TO BE PREPARED FOR WHAT’S COMING!” In this EYE-BULGING and HEART-POUNDING compilation featuring none other than Glenn Beck, with a MAGNIFICENT opening segment by Max Igan & David Icke, you will FINALLY learn some of THE MOST HIDDEN SECRETS regarding the COVID-19 SCAMdemic – and how it has changed EVERYTHING – and what their FUTURE PLANS hold for the Citizens of the WORLD!
5. Did you ever hear of "Event 201"? It wasn't the first planning session, but it was conveniently held mere months before the covid outbreak- Video- 10/18/2019
The Following video originated from the " Event 201" global forum conveniently conducted October 18 in 2019 mere months before the Plandemic was thrust onto the world! This is the official Narrative of Event 201 as described by it's "Global Partners": Event 201 is a pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.
6. 'I've been multi-dimensionally red-pilled' | Dr. Malone On the Great Reset, Covid, and Information Warfare- Video- 1/1/2022
(Highlights) In his first in-person interview since appearing on Joe Rogan's podcast, Dr. Malone sits down with Kristi Leigh to discuss the awakening journey, what he thought of Joe Rogan, censorship, the Great Reset and how he's feeling about 2022.
7. Physicians Declaration – Global Covid Summit- Page- 10/29/2021-Present
As of 1/18/2022, 17,000 doctors and scientists have signed- WE, THE PHYSICIANS OF THE WORLD, united and loyal to the Hippocratic Oath, recognizing the imminent threat to humanity brought forth by current Covid-19 policies, are compelled to declare the following: WHEREAS, after 20 months of research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared, we have demonstrated and documented our success and understanding in combating COVID-19; WHEREAS, in considering the risks vs. benefits of major policy decisions, thousands of physicians and medical scientists worldwide have reached consensus on three foundational principles.
8. Fauci’s Remdesivir: Inadequate to Treat COVID-19 and Potentially Lethal- Page- 5/14/2020
We have found that remdesivir is a failed antiviral drug that will probably do more harm than good for many coronavirus patients. An earlier remdesivir trial for Ebola was stopped because the drug was causing significantly higher mortality rates than other antiviral drugs in the same trial. As one recent medical source noted, the remdesivir Ebola trial had to be aborted “because of an increase in death among patients taking it, meaning it did not help those patients”. Remdesivir is not a specific anti-COVID-19 drug, as many people think. It is a general antiviral drug with a history of earlier failures, as well as adverse effects serious enough to kill patients. Dr. Anthony Fauci should never have made it his frontrunner for drugs desperately needed to treat the pandemic. We will describe very recent scientific data confirming these conclusions.
9. Governments around the world increased their tyranny in 2021. Covid passports: How do they work around the world?- Page- BBC- 7/26/2021
The Covid Passport is nothing more than a door to a larger system of control. "As time goes on, more countries are considering turning to Covid passports as a way of opening up and letting people travel. These passports are usually accessed via an app on your phone or in some cases, paper versions are available. Some nations have already installed their own versions of a Covid passport which has allowed people to attend large scale events. But with some countries lagging behind with vaccinations, there is concern that some could be left behind. Here's how a range of countries have adapted vaccine passports and what they involve."
10. Australia has led the way in tyranny. "The Tourism Minister said giving more freedoms to people who were vaccinated would be an incentive for people to get the jab." It's about forcing the vaccine.- Page- ABC News Australia- 6/27/2021
Australia leads the way in stripping freedoms away from it's citizens. Lengthy lockdowns, forced quarantines at Howard Springs Quarantine Facility (basically a jail), stopping people from going to work, and on. "But as another further incentive, enabling people to be able to move freely, initially, within our own country — and then potentially once we open up, to be able to move more freely overseas — I think is another very good incentive as to why Australians should want to get vaccinated." Imagine a world where you need to show your medical papers everywhere you go.
11. Howard Springs Quarantine Facility, Australia. A jail for those who are deemed necessary of quarantine.- Page- BBC- 12/1/2021
People are arrested for "breaking out" of the Howard Springs Quarantine Camp. People are brought there if returning from overseas or if they break the covid rules. "Up to 2,000 people can be held at the Howard Springs site. It is an old mining camp that was turned into a quarantine centre by the Australian government last August. Australians have spent 20 months under some of the world's strictest border rules, in an effort to keep out Covid-19."
12. Dr. David Martin: Who “They” Are: “The Names & Faces of the People Who Are Killing Humanity"- Video- 11/19/2021
The purpose of this talk is to de-mystify the “they” of the COVID War. THE COVID PRIVATEERS “How many of you are familiar with the company, Anser? I love having this moment. Do you know they are the single largest contractor in the entire COVID terrorism campaign?… “The companies on the right, that you think are the ones running this show [Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Merck Ridgeback, Gilead Sciences], are in fact a front [for the companies on the left, Anser, Fors-Marsh, Palantir, Publicis Sapient]. “And you know what a front organization is? They’re the ones that are supposed to take the flack and take the heat. The ones on the left are the ones that actually got the money. Operation Warp Speed went to Anser.
13. The governments and media of the world have done a very thorough job of fearmongering. To the point teachers are taping masks (that don't work) to children's faces. "Pennsylvania Parents Protest After Teacher Photographed Taping Mask On Student"- Page- 1/19/2022
The mask debate in Montgomery County heats up again after North Penn School District (NPSD) was forced to issue a statement when a co-teacher for the middle school was pictured in a viral photograph taping a black medical mask onto a minor student. The school system did confirm the photograph was taken last week in a Montgomery County School but would not release the date it was taken or the names of anyone involved. NPSD said the incident did not represent the school’s values with both its teachers and students.
14. A world where you are fined for not taking a vaccine!- Austria to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for most adults and fine the non-compliant- Page- 1/20/2022
Can you imagine a world where you are fined for not taking a vaccine? This is exactly what is playing out in Austria. Even if you have been vaccinated think about the implications. What if you don't want to get the booster? What if the next vaccine is something you are against? No one should be forced to inject something into their body period!
15. Vaccines to fly? Fauci thinks it's a great idea to 'coerce' people to get vaccinated.- Page- 12/26/2021
Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday floated the possibility of a vaccine mandate for domestic airline travel in order to coerce more Americans to become vaccinated against COVID-19. Fauci's comments directly contradict President Joe Biden, who told ABC News in an interview last week that his administration does not believe a vaccine mandate for airline travelers is necessary — at least not right now.
16. Anything against the approved narrative is being attacked and censored. Even if the message is coming from leading doctors and scientists. Why is there such a big push to silence many of the voices that have been right? And how dangerous is this?- Watch- 2/2/2022
‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host discusses the ‘political pressure’ surrounding Joe Rogan, Spotify controversy. There is a major push by governments and mainstream media to silence and demonize anyone who spreads truth, if that truth goes against the approved narrative. Even if that truth is coming directly from the mouths of leading doctors and scientists. This is a scary trend on many levels. When a few voices control the messaging it can lead to injury and death that quite possibly could have been avoided. This is especially true in the case of the covid pandemic where rational, knowledgeable, expert voices have been censored from the start.
17. Why are the conclusions of some studies not matching the data being presented? These 5 Studies Reveal a Disturbing Trend — Researchers Presenting Conclusions That Don’t Match the Data.- Page- 2/2/2022
What companies would not do, in the past, was describe the results of a statistical analysis that proves X is false, then publish it with an Abstract that claims X is true. But this strange practice has become more common in the last two years. Academic papers are being published in which the abstract, the discussion section and even the title flatly contradict the content within.
Why is this happening? There are at least three possibilities:
The authors cannot understand their own data.
The authors are being impelled by the editorial staff to arrive at conclusions that match the ascendant narrative.
The authors and editors realize the only way to get their results into publication is to avoid a censorship net that gets activated by any statement critical of vaccination efficacy or safety.
18. Government officials declare unvaccinated Australians 'will lose their freedoms' in October- Read- 9/27/2021
Australian officials on Monday again reminded their subjects that the nation's "zero COVID" strategy has somehow given them the power to strip the people of their freedoms. Government leaders in the state of New South Wales — where the bureaucracy just a month ago announced that it was giving vaccinated citizens a "reward" of one extra hour outside their homes for recreation time — announced during a Monday press briefing that unvaccinated folks "will lose their freedoms" in October, Sky News reported.
The Global Covid Summit, comprising over 17,000 physicians and scientists, holds a press conference highlighting the Summit’s declaration to “Restore Scientific Integrity.” Lockdowns didn't work, mass vaccination should cease immediately, masks were almost useless, therapeutics were suppressed, people need to be held accountable and more. Speakers include Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, Harvey Risch, MD, PhD, Dr. Lynn Fynn, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, Dr. Richard Urso and more.
20. A MUST WATCH- Sen. Ron Johnson: Pandemic Politics & America’s Covid Cartel- Watch- 8/18/2022
A MUST WATCH! Senator Ron Johnson recounts what has happened during the covid pandemic on a government level. From pushing ineffective lockdowns and masks, to the incomprehensible attacks on therapeutics that could have saved lives, to the dangers of the vaccine and ignoring the VAERS data. This interview is an eye opener, especially for those that have only seen the mainstream media side of the story. SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!!!.